Joanne Payton Co-founder of HBVA and works with Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation and International Campaign Against Honour Killings. In the video I posted last week, DCI Caroline Goode, the second heroine of Banaz: A love story commented that although the death of Banaz Mahmod had led to soul-searching and reforms amongst the police, there .. read more
Joanne Payton Co-founder of HBVA and works with Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation and International Campaign Against Honour Killings. Yesterday, Iftikhar and Farzana Ahmed were sentenced to life for the murder of their daughter Shafilea after a trial lasting four months. They considered Shafilea too ‘westernised’, particularly when she refused to marry .. read more
Joanne Payton Co-founder of HBVA and works with Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation and International Campaign Against Honour Killings. As a crime where the majority of victims are women, there is an obvious gender basis to Honour Based Violence (HBV). But we need to be careful about oversimplifying HBV as if all .. read more
Joanne Payton Co-founder of HBVA and works with Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation and International Campaign Against Honour Killings. The terms ‘honour’ killing and ‘honour’-based violence (HBV) as they are used in the English speaking world have often been criticised. The criticism relates to two main points, firstly that ‘honour’ has positive connotations .. read more
Joanne Payton Co-founder of HBVA and works with Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation and International Campaign Against Honour Killings. It is impossible to ignore the fact that so-called ‘honour’ crimes are predominantly associated with Muslims, as part of a general public stereotype in which Muslim women are seen as uniquely oppressed, and .. read more
David Gould Director and Producer of documentary film Two Sides of the Moon. Over four years ago, the former Deputy Director of the University of Iowa’s Center for Human Rights, Chivy Sok invited me for coffee. Over the course of our conversation, Chivy challenged me to produce a documentary on “honor .. read more