Police have arrested four caste Hindus on Sunday for alleged honour killing. The four of a family had murdered a 23-year old woman and buried her in an isolated place near Vaigai riverbed. However, the incident came to light after her husband filed a habeas corpus petition with the Madurai bench of the Madras High Court.
According to the police, Vaidehi, daughter of Rajagopal from Ramanathapuram was pursing her post graduation in a private college in Madurai when she fell in love with Suresh Kumar (29) from Thiruppalai. The girl belonged to a caste Hindu and the boy to Dalit caste. Since both the families were aware of their relationship and opposed it, the couple decided to elope.
In March 2013, the couple tied the knot in Madurai and settled down in Kerala. Five months after the marriage, the girl conceived and informed her mother Venkateshwari about it, hoping her family would agree to their marriage. The mother pretended to be happy and convinced the girl to come to Theni for a temple festival on March 16, 2014.
Trusting her mother, Vaidehi came for the temple festival and was murdered in her house by the people arranged by her mother, younger brother and her uncles.
Suresh, who couldn’t reach his wife over the phone, filed a habeas corpus petition in the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court who directed the Kenikarai police to investigate into the case.
Investigations, made by inspector Krishnamoorthy, revealed that the girl was murdered to save the family’s honour and the police arrested four people including Venkateshwari, mother, Vimalraj (brother), Janakiraman and Bagyaraj (uncles of the girl).
Janakiraman and Vimalraj showed the police the place where the girl was buried and also admitted they had hired people from Valantharavai village to commit the crime.
The police who dug up the body had brought the doctors from the government hospital to the spot to conduct an autopsy.
The police are on the lookout for the girl’s uncle Alagasami, Darma, Rabindran and an unidentified person who were hired to kill the girl.
A link to the article can be found here.
Honour Based Violence Awareness Network (HBVA) is a Fuuse production.